One of Dr. Jansson’s research interest is into the reality of the Mach Effect. He has published several papers on the topic and has shared his experimental results in workshops and at various conferences nationally and internationally

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Published Research Papers and Presentations

P.M. Jansson and P.S. Kaladius, “Undergraduate Engineering Students Enhance Novel Instrumentation to Detect the Mach Effect,” 2020 ASEE Annual Virtual Conference & Exhibition, Montreal, Quebec Canada, 21-24 June 2020

Undergraduate electrical engineers performing summer research have enhanced the real-time data collection system of one of their professor’s novel detectors to uncover some remarkable results. Over the past two summers at Bucknell University students in engineering have been working on an innovative detector that has repeatedly produced results indicative of a real Machian like reaction force to inertia. Each summer (2018 and 2019) multiple students continued to make electrical enhancements and refinements to this novel instrument and its test protocol at the suggestions of reviewing scientists and their professor. In the most recent version of this instrument, real-time data collection appears to confirm that the Mach Effect is real, directional and electromagnetic in nature. The device is able to observe an electromagnetic interaction of the Mach Effect during incidents of significant local celestial matter alignment (such as the solar eclipse of July 2nd2019). While some of these scientific results have been reported in multiple IEEE publications, this paper goes into detail as to the role that the students (undergraduate engineers) have played in the research and their work to use and refine the instrument as well as developing innovations to the protocol of the sensor array instrumentation. As a team, they helped their professor successfully continue the hunt to answer the query of whether a Mach Effect (inertial reaction force) is actually detectable. Due partly to their efforts the science around this instrument is now quite robust and this novel device provides consistent, replicable and predictable results. During the summer research, the students got to apply much of their theoretical electrical engineering training to a real-world application in sensor arrays and instrumentation.

P.M. Jansson, W.S. Zanardi, P. Kaladius, E.L. Jansson, S. Sedig, W. McGrath and F.R. Jansson, “Mach Field Sensor / Detector and Results,” 2019 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS 2019), Sophia Antipolis, France, 11-13 March 2019, IEEE Xplore Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/SAS.2019.8706081

After recent (2017) meetings with scientists in the US and UK, the Mach field sensor/detector device has undergone refinements. Experiments run during test and control periods indicate that anomalous electromagnetic interactions with the device were reproducible by undergraduate research engineers at Bucknell University during the summer of 2018. These empirical investigations continue to yield results that are inexplicable by standard theory and are indicative of the potential that local Machian mass interactions are detectable (and potentially electromagnetic in nature) during significant alignments of relatively near masses (Earth, Moon, Sun, Virgo supercluster, etc.). This paper highlights the most recent results of experiments with the sensor/detector with additional 4 and 5 sigma events observed at Bucknell University this summer and captured in real-time by the system’s new DAS (data acquisition system). The Newton-Mach paradigm, held by a minority of physicists, suggests that the underlying cause of inertia in matter is based on an “action-at-a-distance” interaction between that local matter and the remaining matter of the universe. These findings suggest a reaction Mach field (or force), electromagnetic in nature, is detectable when a high-inertia, rotating wheel is accelerated, decelerated, maintained at speed and/or is torqued. Our team herein reports a dozen (12) high magnitude (>40mV) outliers with high sigma (>4) without similar false positives in over a 100 recent experiments. We observe these significantly different electromagnetic forces around this high inertia device manifest in inexplicable voltage changes in the different batteries around the sensor array. Additionally, disturbances in the isotropy of space due to `local’ matter alignments appear to be causal in these electromagnetic anomalies. Alternative rational (and probable) explanators have yet to be identified to account for the regularity with which high-sigma outliers are observed on the device arms facing these large local mass alignments.

P.M. Jansson, “Students Engineer Tools for Scientific Discovery via Empirical Research on the Mach Field,” Proceedings of the 2019 Zone 1 ASEE Conference, University of Buffalo, Niagara Falls, New York, 11-13 April 2019

This paper summarizes a summer of empirical research completed by undergraduate electrical engineers who desired an experience of engineering beyond the class room by grappling hands-on with the tools of scientific discovery. In addition, the research focus of their investigations required scientific equipment use, application of new data capture technologies,revisions to new scientific equipment and significant data analyses and interpretation. In this first summer research for the student team,they also realized how exciting and engaging it can be to develop relevant technical and professional skills that will make them more valuable in a future workplace or research setting. The core focus of their research experience was to attempt an independent validation of scientific discoveries being published by others –and purported to be evidence of a Mach-like inertial reaction force which could be detected when high inertial masses are in the presence of significant alignments of solar system and near-universe mass. While this work does not focus on the significance or debates relative to the merits of the science and evidence for such discoveries it provides a unique platform for students to gain intimate knowledge regarding the methods of scientific discovery, the development and implementation of experimental protocol, the application and modification of test equipment, data analyses techniques, programs and technologies as well as a host of other experiential learning useful to practicing engineers and researchers. These experiences, while difficult to provide time for in the classroom, are uniquely suited to open-ended scientific research and implicitly include motivation for the students since they feel part of the process of gaining skills for scientific discovery –one of National Academy of Engineering Grand Challenges categories. The students successfully replicated some of the controversial findings being published by others.

P.M. Jansson, W. McGrath, E.L. Jansson and M.E. Jansson, “A Novel Sensor Network Capable of Observing the Hypothetical Mach Field,” 2017 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS 2017), Glassboro, New Jersey, 13-15 March 2017, IEEE Xplore Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/SAS.2017.7894107

The Newton-Mach paradigm, held by a minority of physicists, suggests that the underlying cause of inertia in matter is based on an “action-at-a-distance” interaction between that local matter and the remaining matter of the universe. Research commenced nearly two decades ago, employing Popperian falsificationism, observed electromagnetic phenomena suggesting inertial reaction forces (originating externally to the high-inertia device under test) may actually be real and measurable via sensors. After years of developing a scientific device and test protocol to reliably detect this e-m reaction field (or force) these researches now present three (3) experimental results with greater than 8 sigma statistical significance for review by the broader scientific community. This paper focuses on the sensor network as it evolved over the development of this scientific device and provides sufficient detail and protocol so that the work can be replicated by others. Our early findings suggest a reaction Mach-field (or force), electromagnetic in nature, is detectable when a high-inertia, rotating wheel experiences torque. These e-m effects are not sensed during control runs in the presence of the same mass when it is rotating at high speeds (>6,000rpm) undisturbed. Rational, probable alternative explanators have not yet been identified by these researchers.

P.M. Jansson, E.L. Jansson, W. McGrath and F.R. Jansson, “An Empirical Pursuit of Mach’s Principle: Experimental Results Indicating a ‘Machian’ Inertial reaction Force is Detectable and Electromagnetic,”2nd Annual Advanced Propulsion Workshop, Aerospace Corporation, November 1-3, 2017, El Segundo, CA
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Video Presentation of Dr. Jansson's works on Mach's Principle

In addition to Dr. Jansson’s papers on the detection of the Mach Effect, he has also presented his experimental findings  at workshops and conferences.

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