Dr. Jansson’s has engaged in research related to education in engineering. He has written several articles and presented posters in which he shares ideas to improve the engineering curriculum especially at the university level.

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Published Research Papers and Articles

S.A.A. Elsaiah and P.M. Jansson, “An Effective Design Course to Inspire Active Learning in Undergraduate Education,” Proceedings of the 46th Frontiers in Education Conference, Erie, Pennsylvania, 12-15 October 2016, IEEE Xplore Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/FIE.2016.7757543

The ABET engineering criteria was first formulated and introduced to the American education system in the middle 1990s. The ABET accreditation system defines an engineering graduate according to Blooms Taxonomy. As a part of the continuing curriculum improvement at Bucknell University, a new junior-level design course has been recently introduced into the curriculum. The course title is ECEG 301: Praxis for Engineering Design. The objectives of this course are manifold, but is primarily designed to pave the way to improved student performance in senior design projects, promote team-work and hands-on experiences, and to enhance student completion of ABET outcomes, particularly criteria (c to h). Examples of the course contents include computer aided design (Solidworks®), 3-D printing, design process elements, functional decomposition, fabrication, implementation, and simulation of photovoltaic systems. The course also aims at introducing students to crucial and current societal and environmental issues. In this paper, the results of the multiple projects are discussed. Based on anecdotal data analysis and feedback from students and faculty, the assigned projects have encouraged students’ creativity and enhanced their ability to work on multidisciplinary teams. The inclusion of similar courses in undergraduate engineering curriculum would definitely improve students’ hands on experiences and prepare them for more complex design challenges.



R.P. Ramachandran, P.M. Jansson, Y. Tang, L. Head and L. Chatman, “Vertical Integration of System-on-Chip and Green Engineering Across the Undergraduate Curriculum,” Proceedings of the 40th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers In Education (FIE) Conference, Arlington, Virginia, 27-30 October 2010 IEEE Xplore Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109 / FIE.2010.5673500, pp. T3J1-6

Vertical integration is significant in achieving better student comprehension of the connections among topics and concepts covered in various courses taught during the same or different semesters of the curriculum. Students realize that the courses are part of a flow that contributes to a knowledge base without artificial boundaries rather than being separate bodies of knowledge. In this paper, vertical integration is achieved by a series of laboratory exercises in two areas (System-on-Chip and Green Engineering) that start as well-structured experiments at the lower levels and proceed as increasingly complex open-ended design projects at upper levels of the curriculum. Quantitative assessment results clearly show that students understand that concepts carry over from one course to another as a result of the laboratory projects. Clinic assessment results are also very encouraging.



P.M. Jansson and D.M. Kelley, “Increasing Hands-On Laboratory Equipment Experience via Rotation of Notebook Recording Duties,” Proceedings of the 119th ASEE Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, 10-13 June 2012

Instructors often seek pedagogical innovations that will ensure laboratory experiences are meaningful and instructive for all participating students. In this paper we share the results of one such approach, namely the weekly rotation of laboratory notebook duties among lab team members in an electronics course attended by junior electrical and computer engineering students. Our research has found that the requirement to have one team member complete a detailed laboratory notebook entry each week while the other performs the lab exercise, and then alternating those duties every other week, enhanced the hands-on experience and equipment competencies for all team members over the duration of the course. The authors used pre- and post-course surveys as well as laboratory notebook performance grades and in-lab observations to verify that lab competencies were enhanced for all students over the course of the semester. It was found that skills and confidence in 13 out of 14 lab competencies tested were greatly enhanced by the novel pedagogical improvement. These skills include troubleshooting, the use of oscilloscopes and taking critical measurements. The authors also surveyed students on 17 categories focusing on attitudes and preferences and perceptions of engagement. Post-course survey responses were largely more positive than the pre-course responses in roughly half of the categories. The remaining categories showed no significant change. Lab notebook grades also showed a distinct increase over the course of the semester, which indicated improvement in note-taking skills. Students were in 100% agreement via the post-course survey that on the lab days when they were not the note-taker they had most of the responsibility for operating the laboratory equipment and constructing the required circuits. It is this requirement that the authors believe was the most significant factor in the improvement of their hands-on laboratory skills.



C. Barreiro, P.M. Jansson and D. Schmalzel, “Educating Engineers in Sustainability Through Undergraduate Clinics,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Education, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 21-26 August 2011

The U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) mandates that each state prepare an energy assurance plan (EAP) which consolidates energy utilization snapshots for the state along with procedures and strategies to be employed to address a wide range of potential energy emergencies.Rowan University was contracted by the State of New Jersey to develop an EAP. In the spring of 2011 a multidisciplinary team of student engineers was formed as part of a project-based course to begin the EAP development. The result of the semester effort was a compilation of other existing state EAPs, an outline for the new document and initial development of portions of the EAP. During the summer of 2011 fourteen student engineers were hired to continue working on the EAP and the related energy monitoring systems. A significant portion of a draft EAP for the State of New Jersey was completed at that time. The following two semesters (Autumn 2011 and Spring 2012) had smaller engineering clinic teams continuing to refine the document. It was completed and shared with the State over the summer of 2012 by summer students and their professors when the document went through its final revisions.This paper reports on general aspects of the EAP in order to provide the context and then focuses on the important relationship between project-based coursework and student employment opportunities. Some of the challenges in the academic environment include the sometimes competing goals of (1) providing relevant projects based upon real industry need, and (2) the accompanying expectations of professional deliverables, which are often well beyond the scope of a one-or two-semester project. Projects that provide sufficient funding for students (undergraduate and graduate) offer the best way to provide the sophisticated results that many sponsors expect. Having students continue the momentum developed in the in their class project-based learning experience often results in a corresponding step increase in their productivity when the summer project begins. The EAP team accomplished a significant amount of work as measured by the number of chapters, appendices and references completed, and the responses of the sponsor during regular project reviews.This approach to the key project-based portion of our curriculum has become a model for how solicit and scope projects from outside sponsors. The paper will address other strengths and weaknesses of the approach.



P.M. Jansson, K. Whitten, C. Delia, M. Angelow, B. Ferraro, M. Giordano, M. Colosa, “EE Students Complete Photovoltaic R&D for Industry in Electrical Engineering Curriculum,” Proceedings of the 118th ASEE Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 26-29 June 2011

Rowan University is committed to providing undergraduate engineering students with experience in real world problems as part of its engineering curricula. Through the participation of Industrial Affiliates, we have been able to involve undergraduate students in a number of renewable energy research and design projects. This paper describes the structure and methodology of Rowan University’s Junior and Senior year clinic model as well as a specific clinic project that provides students with the experiential learning opportunity in which they can apply their engineering knowledge and resourcefulness to a real-world project. During the 2010-2011 academic year, Kaneka Corporation of Osaka, Japan sponsored the design, engineering, permitting and installation of a photovoltaic (PV) system test bed located at Rowan University’s Rowan Hall, utilizing Kaneka’s new multi-junction “Hybrid” amorphous modules. The installation required that all work be completed in accordance with local laws and codes as well as be designed for optimal array output. Working in an engineering clinic environment, modeled after the medical school approach, undergraduate engineering students were charged with design and installation of this system to meet any necessary political and design specifications. This involved every aspect of design, including obstruction shading analysis, PV array layout, single-line design, specification, procurement and purchasing of all required balance of system (BOS) equipment, as well as plan submittals for Rowan University and New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA) approval. Through this engineering clinic model, students learned all the inner workings of how a grid-connected PV array goes from concept to reality, ending with a finished product for the client.Most importantly, the Rowan University clinic experience allowed students to effectively communicate with representatives of the sponsoring agency and report the findings of a semester long research, design and development project.


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